Singing Guide: Laura Nyro

Singing Guide: Laura Nyro

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Laura Nyro's Unique Vocal Style and How to Sing Like Her

Laura Nyro (1947-1997) was a singer-songwriter, pianist, and composer who rose to fame in the 1960s. Her music incorporated elements of soul, jazz, rock, and Broadway, and her distinct and complex vocal style made her an influential figure in the contemporary music scene. In this article, we will explore Laura Nyro's unique vocal style and provide tips on how to learn to sing like her.

Laura Nyro's Vocal Technique

Laura Nyro had an incredibly dynamic and powerful voice. She often used her full range, moving between notes with ease. Her vocal style was characterized by her use of vibrato, which added a rich, emotional quality to her singing. Nyro would also use unique phrasing and syncopation, making it difficult to predict where the melody would go next.

If you want to learn to sing like Laura Nyro, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Work on your vibrato: Laura Nyro's use of vibrato was one of the defining features of her singing style. Practice incorporating vibrato into your singing, paying attention to the speed and intensity of the oscillation.
  • Practice dynamic range: Nyro sang with a lot of emotion and expressiveness. Practice shifting between different volumes and intensities to add dimension to your performance.
  • Pay attention to phrasing: Nyro's singing was characterized by her use of unique and unpredictable phrasing. Practice experimenting with different phrasing techniques, and try to surprise your audience with the delivery of unexpected rhythms or emphasis.
  • Use good breath control: For those wanting to sing like Laura Nyro, breath control is crucial. Focus on taking deep breaths and using proper breath support, so that you can go from big, dramatic moments to soft, delicate ones with ease.
  • Interpret the lyrics: Nyro's songs often dealt with complex and intense emotions. To really capture her style, it's important to focus on the meaning behind the lyrics and bring your own experiences and emotion to the performance.

Songs to Showcase Nyro's Vocal Technique

To really showcase Laura Nyro's vocal technique, check out some of her most popular songs:

  1. "Stoney End"
  2. "Eli's Comin"
  3. "When I Die"
  4. "And When I Die"

Each of these songs incorporates Nyro's unique vocal style, using elements like vibrato and unexpected phrasing to create a distinctive sound.

Practicing with Singing Carrots

Singing Carrots offers many tools and resources to help you learn to sing like Laura Nyro. Use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to see how you match up to her style, or try the Pitch Training exercises to work on your vibrato and phrasing. The Vocal Range Test can help you identify where your range is most similar to Laura Nyro's, while the Song Search feature can help you find songs that match your vocal style. Furthermore, the Educational Singing Course can make you learn everything you need to know about singing.

Additional Resources

For more information on how to improve your singing, check out some of these articles on Singing Carrots:

Incorporating these tips and tools into your practice can help you achieve a singing style similar to Laura Nyro's. Remember, achieving her level of artistry may take time, but with dedication and work, you can develop a voice that honors her legacy.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.